Mini Dental Implants Pros and Cons
Mini dental implants are a single solid piece with a diameter of around 3mm that fastens into the jawbone. Mini dental implants resemble standard dental implants, but they’re smaller in size and can be used for small cases such as teeth replacement or to secure dentures.
A mini dental implant consists of two parts: a titanium post, which has a ball on the end and embeds into your jawbone; and an O-ring socket that secures it in place. The implanted part is very thin—about as thick as a toothpick.
Mini implants are perfect alternatives to dentures or bridges because they replace most types of teeth without disrupting surrounding structures like natural teeth. Mini dental implants are a great alternative to dentures, bridges, fixed crowns and can even support loose arch dentures.
Pros and Cons of Mini Dental Implants
Mini Dental Implant Upsides
Upside #01: Mini Dental Implants Won’t Require Bone Grafts
Traditional dental implants might require a bone graft if the surrounding bones are weak; mini dental implants will not need this. This means you won’t have to spend money and time on an additional procedure.
Upside #02: Mini Dental Implants Won’t Require Complex Flap Surgery
Mini implants offer a more conservative approach to dental implant treatment, only requiring the placement of smaller post-like devices. This procedure does not typically require surgical flaps and can be less invasive on surrounding tissue compared with traditional implant treatments that may call for bone grafting or flap surgery.
Upside #03: Mini Dental Implant Procedure is Less Invasive
During the procedure, for which you need to take no anesthesia or surgery, it will only take a few hours. The recovery process is much shorter than traditional dental implants, allowing patients to return back into their daily routines in just days instead of months like other procedures require.
Upside #04: Mini Dental Implant Procedure Has Minimal Discomfort
Mini implants are less invasive, so you won’t have to deal with the uncomfortable side effects associated with traditional dental implants. Plus, your bone tissues and gums will be able to heal naturally without being disrupted by surgeries or painkillers.
Upside #05: Mini Dental Implants Won’t Slip
Mini dental implants are great because they do not slip like dentures. People with mini-implants know their chances of embarrassing slippage is zero, which increases confidence and self-assurance while eating or talking to others.
Upside #06: Mini Dental Implants are More Convenient
An implant procedure is very quick, and you can typically eat in just a few hours after the session. The mini implants are convenient since they require only one appointment to complete.
Upside #07: Mini Dental Implants Can Prevent Facial Collapse
If you experience bone loss, your face may collapse. Mini implants prevent any possibility of this by acting like the root of a tooth in stabilizing your jawbone.
Upside #08: Mini Dental Implants Has Minimal Complications
Mini implants are a great option if you want to replace your tooth. They’re low-risk and have a high success rate, so in case they fit into your dental health plan it’s worth considering them.
Mini Dental Implant Downsides
Downside #01: Mini Dental Implants Will Require Vertical Bone Density
Mini implants may not require many bones for support, but will still need some to offer robust stability. This procedure is therefore best suited if you’ve experienced less bone loss.
Downside #02: Mini Dental Implants are Not Ideal for Patients with Bruxism
If you are a teeth grinder, mini implants may not be the best solution for your damaged teeth. The new artificial teeth will wear down and get damaged if the issue of grinding is unresolved.