UTI Infection Smelly Urine


Urine smells different for each person. Sometimes you will find that your urine smells more than usual. It is not always a matter of concern. However, sometimes strong or foul-smelling urine is a sign of a medical problem. UTI Infection Smelly Urine is also normal and can be treated. Read on for a few reasons why urine smells odd.

The Smell of Urine and Asparagus

Asparagus is one of the foods many people have high urine output. The smell of asparagus urine is due to the high levels of sulfur in asparagus.

This component is called asparagus acid. It does not harm the body in any way, but it emits a strong and unusual smell after eating foods containing asparagus. Some people do not notice the change in the smell of urine. If the urine smells terrible, it disappears after the asparagus passes through the body. If the odor does not go away, you should contact a doctor to determine another reason.

The Underlying Reasons for Urine Odor

Several conditions can cause persistent or unusual smells. The most common causes are:

1- Dehydration

Constant hydration occurs when you don’t drink enough water. When you become dehydrated, you may notice that your urine is yellow or orange and smells of ammonia.

Most people have mild dehydration and don’t need treatment. Drinking too much liquid, especially water, often causes urine odor to be typical. If you experience any unusual symptoms such as mental chaos, weakness, or extreme fatigue. Dehydration can be severe, and you should see aUrologist in Karachi.

2- UTI Infection Smelly Urine

Urinary tract infections, commonly called UTIs, often cause smelly urine. Excessive urination, frequent urination, and a burning sensation when urinating are symptoms of UTI.

Bacterias can be the reason for urinary tract infections. If a doctor finds that you have a UTI, they will prescribe antibiotics.

3- Diabetes

One of the symptoms of diabetes mellitus is sugary urine. Untreated diabetic patients have high blood sugar, which causes urine odor. Untreated diabetes is hazardous and can be life-threatening.

4- Bladder Fistula

It occurs when an injury or defect allows bacteria to enter the bladder. Bladder fistula can be caused by injury or intestinal infection such as gastrointestinal infection, gastritis, or Crohn’s disease.

5- Liver disease

Smelly urine can be a sign of liver disease. Other symptoms of hepatitis include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Colic
  • Pale skin or eyes-jaundice
  • Weakness
  • Abdominal pain
  • Losing weight
  • The dark color of urine

If you have liver symptoms, consult aUrologist in Karachi immediately. Untreated liver disease can be life-threatening.

6- Phenylketonuria

Phenylketonuria is an incurable disease that occurs at birth. It makes an amino acid called phenylalanine indigestible. The build-up of metabolites can cause urine to smell like “mold” or musk. Other symptoms include:

Reduces skin pigmentation

Intellectual disability

7- Slow-Growing Social Skills

If it is not treated soon, it may lead to ADHD and severe mental illness.

Maple syrup urine disease

It is a rare, incurable disease in which urine smells of maple syrup. People with this disease cannot break down the amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine, and no treatment can cause brain damage and death.

8- Pregnancy

During pregnancy, a hormone called hCG increases. This increase can cause urine odor, especially true in the early stages of pregnancy.

However, women also experience more smell sense during pregnancy, leading to a more pungent smell.

Pregnant women should also drink more fluids to avoid dehydration. Dehydration can cause uric acid to build up and smell like urine.


Your doctor will perform various tests to determine if the smell of urine is due to an illness. Some of them are:

Output analysis

The urine sample was found to contain pathogens and other factors.


A thin tube with a camera on end is inserted into the bladder to monitor urinary tract infections.

Scan or Imaging

Imaging is generally not used with urine smell. However, if the odor persists and the urine sample is not infected, your doctor may do an x-ray or ultrasound.

Preventive Measures

Here are some good habits to keep your bladder healthy:

Urinate 5-7 times a day. If you don’t go far, you will need to drink more water.

Urine only if necessary. Not “just in case” right before bedtime, like compelled urination trains the bladder to keep less.

When you urinate, sit down and do not urinate. Take your time, and don’t force yourself to urinate faster.

Who To Consult?

Make an appointment with a Urologist if you have a strong or abnormal urine smell that continues more than two days or if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • The sweet smell of urine
  • Mental chaos
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

These symptoms can be a sign of diabetes, dehydration, or liver disease.

You can book your appointment with one of the Best Urologists in Karachi through Marham.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1- Do UTIs cause the urine to smell foul?

One of the symptoms of urinary tract infection is foul-smelling. Other symptoms include cloudy urine, rapid urination, or a burning sensation when urinating.

2- How long will the UTI last?

UTIs symptoms usually go away within 24 to 48 hours of starting treatment. If you have kidney disease, it may take a week or more for your symptoms to go away.

3- Why is UTI not disappearing?

Sometimes symptoms such as regular UTIs can indicate other problems, such as antibiotics, inadequate treatment, or lower back pain. It is essential to contact your doctor if you are concerned about UTI symptoms that do not go away with antibiotics.

4-How do I know if my urinary tract infection is getting worse?

As the disease progresses to and from the kidneys, symptoms may include Pain insides and upper back, chills, and fever.

5- Are three days of antibiotics sufficient for UTIs?

The length of time you take antibiotics for a UTI depends on the severity of the UTI and the antibiotics. Some medicines, such as fosfomycin, only need to be taken once, but more serious UTIs may require 14 or more days of treatment and usually take 3 to 7 days.