Endoscopy: Do You Need One? Know Why You Need To Be Careful


Endoscopy is a very common test that allows the physician to visualize the upper gastrointestinal region, which is where the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum are located. This examination uses a thin, flexible device containing a light and a camera, known as an endoscope. It is possible to visualize the entire route, from the mouth, where the tube is inserted, to the first portion of the small intestine, which is where the duodenum is.

Endoscopy is an important test in the investigation of different signs and symptoms that is carried out with endoscopy equipment. However, although it is a safe and simple exam, it is necessary to be careful when scheduling yours. Keep reading the post and find out why!

The Importance Of Quality Equipment In Endoscopy

First, not all endoscopes offer the same examination quality. In this sense, the type of device significantly impacts the quality and can make all the difference in its diagnosis and treatment. The better the image quality, the easier it is for the endoscopist to identify and treat the possible changes found.

As such, there are many models of endoscopes and image processors on the market, but some are undoubtedly superior. For example, equipment with high resolution (HDTV imaging), image magnification, and digital chromoscope capabilities can increase the accuracy of the exam.

The Disinfection Process Is Essential

The disinfection of devices must follow a rigorous and systematic process to avoid any contamination. Therefore, this step is essential, especially in times of pandemics. Therefore, after each exam, the equipment must be processed with a complete brushing of the tube and all channels using enzymatic detergent, disinfected with proper sanitizers called high level right after. In addition, the rinsing and drying process is also essential to prevent any microorganism from surviving.

On the other hand, the exam site must offer a structure dedicated to this type of care with personal protective equipment, disposable accessories, adequate medications, emergency supplies such as defibrillators, and everything necessary for the patient’s safety and comfort.

Prioritize A Trusted Medical Team

Last but not least, we highlight the quality of the endoscopist physician and his team. Trained and specialized professionals make all the difference! Therefore, always check the training of the professional who will assist you.