Drug addiction is a pervasive problem in the modern era. The number of drug addicts is growing with each day worldwide. It is challenging to arrive at the exact figure globally, but one thing is pretty clear, it is a huge number indeed. What drives us, humans, to drug addiction? Is it at all necessary for a leading life?
Well…most of us would agree that most drug addicts are a result of trial drug usage leading to chronic drug addiction. Meager fun drug abuse in younger age people tend them to try out a variety of intoxicating substances and eventually lead to drug addiction.
It may sound queer, but yes, in the younger age people of this modern age, drug abuse, and addiction has grown into a style and a fashion statement. People feel a very glorifying satisfaction in taking drugs, leading to its abusive usage and intoxication and addiction eventually. They happily forgo the grave and ghastly effects accompanying drug abuse and addiction.
Once a person falls into the drug abuse trap, it is tough to get back to normalcy. There exists a whole lot of rehab and detoxification programs. Still, genuinely speaking, these programs are helpless until and unless the addict is mentally prepared to get things back to normalcy using those rehab and detoxification programs.
An addict has to go through a lot of emotionally and physically draining regimes, which take a heavy toll on him or her during the entire rehab and detox programs. He or she tremendously require the help and support of his or her family and friends. This support can help him, or her regain normalcy back.
But all these just for the meager sake of fun and show off is a bit too much to ask. Is it not…!!!