Different Ways Through Which Obesity Affects Your Bones & Joints Health

Bones & Joints Health

Obesity is a disease defined as having a body mass index of 30 or more than that. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), worldwide cases of obesity have increased three times since 1975. Most people know that obesity comes with risks for developing heart diseases, diabetes, and sleep issues. However, they don’t know that obesity and joint pain are also associated with each other. And this is the reason why people consider weight-loss surgical procedures like Gastric Bypass surgery in El Paso and many other locations to shed those extra weights from the body.

Effects of Obesity on Bones and Joint Health

  1. Additional weight puts more pressure on your joints

In easy words, your body cannot handle the weight that it’s meant to. When you gain additional weight, it puts a lot of pressure on your body, and weight-bearing joints such as your knees, back, and hip will get wear and tear due to this excess pressure. This can also lead to arthritis in some cases, and this is also why people consider weight loss surgery like sleeve-gastrectomy in Las Cruces to shed the extra weight.

  1. Increased Fat Cells Damage your joints

When you are obese, you have extra deposition of fat cells. After certain research, it is uncovered that obese people with extra fat cells can release inflammation-producing compounds, breaking down the joint tissue and can cause irreversible damage.

  1. Joint Problems Due To Obesity

Effects of obesity on bones lead to many issues like arthritis, bursitis, and tendonitis. In addition to this, extra weight can also cause the cartilage of your bones to become more damaged or worn, which can lead to severe pain and stiffness in the bones and joints.

  1. Knee Replacements on the Increase

When individuals suffer from knee pain from being overweight, they require hip or knee replacements and spinal surgeries. In recent years, knee replacement surgeries have seen the largest growth.

  1. Obesity Increases Risks in Joint Replacement Surgery

 If a candidate for joint replacement surgery is obese, then he or she has higher chances of blood clots, nerve injury during the procedure. Also, obese people need a longer period for a full recovery.

So it is best to first get rid of that additional weight by undergoing sleeve-gastrectomy in Las Cruces or any other procedure to get a healthy weight. After that, you might be able to get rid of those joint pain and bone health issues, and you might not even need knee replacement surgery after that.