10 Signs Your Child Might Benefit from Seeing a Psychologist


As a parent, it can be difficult to know when your child is just going through a phase and when they might need some extra help. While every child is different, there are certain signs that might indicate your child might benefit from seeing a professional child therapist in Perth.

  1. Excessive worry or anxiety

If your child seems excessively worried or anxious about things that other children their age don’t seem to be worried about, it might be a sign that they need some help dealing with their emotions.

  1. Persistent nightmares or sleep problems

If your child is regularly having nightmares or having trouble sleeping, it could be a sign of something deeper going on. A psychologist can help your child learn how to deal with whatever is causing their nightmares or sleep issues.

  1. Difficulty concentrating or paying attention

If you’ve noticed that your child is having difficulty paying attention in school or at home, it might be worth talking to a psychologist. A qualified professional can help your child find ways to better concentrate and focus on tasks.

  1. Frequent tantrums or meltdowns

All children have tantrums from time to time, but if you’ve noticed your child is having them more frequently than other children their age, it might be a sign that they need some help learning how to cope with their emotions. A psychologist can teach your child healthy ways to deal with their feelings.

  1. Acting out at school or at home

If you’ve been getting calls from the school about your child acting out, or if you’ve noticed an increase in disruptive behaviour at home, it might be time to talk to a psychologist, as they can help your child learn how to deal with whatever is causing their acting out.

When should my child see a therapist?

  1. Withdrawing from friends or family

If you’ve noticed that your child has been withdrawing from friends or family members, it might be a sign that something is going on that they don’t feel comfortable talking about. A psychologist can provide a safe space for your child to share whatever is going on in their life.

  1. Changes in eating habits

If you noticed that your child has been either eating too much or too little, it might be a sign of an underlying issue. A psychologist can help get to the root of the problem and help your child develop healthy eating habits.

  1. Unexplained aches and pains

If your child has been complaining of unexplained aches and pains, it might be a sign of something deeper going on emotionally. A psychologist can help your child identify any feelings they may be repressing and help them find healthy ways to deal with those feelings.

  1. Feeling hopeless or helpless

If your child seems frequently hopeless or helpless, it might be indicative of clinical depression. A psychologist can provide treatment for depression and help equip your child with the tools they need to cope in healthier ways.

  1. Self-harm

If your child has started engaging in self-harm, it is an extremely serious issue and warrants immediate professional help. No matter what the issue is, a psychologist can help equip your child with the tools they need to lead a happy and healthy life.

Every child is different, and there is no definitive list of signs that apply to every child who might have an unseen mental health issue

However, if you have noticed any of the above signs in your child, it might be an indication that they could benefit from speaking with a professional. Don’t hesitate to reach out for the support that you and your family need – your child deserves a straightforward, joyful life… and you can help them get there.