When Is Root Canal Therapy in North Vancouver Necessary?


Your dentist may recommend a root canal treatment if there’s an issue with your entire tooth. Usually, tooth pain indicates a deeper problem in your tooth; however, warning signs such as inflamed gums, tooth sensitivity, tooth decay, tooth discoloration, and tooth cracks can indicate the need for root canal therapy in North Vancouver

Often, determining the specific cause of tooth discomfort is difficult in the early stages. You may have a vague mouth discomfort you may not associate with a particular tooth. But eventually, you will know you must see a dentist. 

Signs a Root Canal Treatment May Be Needed

Sometimes, a root canal treatment is necessary to repair an ailing tooth. This can happen when the infection-causing bacteria reach the pulp. A dental pulp is located in the middle of your teeth  and extends to the root. It houses connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves that can be infected once exposed to the air. when a tooth sustains significant damage, bacteria can enter the affected tooth and the pulp. 

When not repaired right away, the bacteria in the damaged tooth can cause an infection, killing the pulp and causing bone or tooth loss. Just because you experience tooth pain does not mean you need root canal therapy. However, you must watch for some signs of an infection if there is pain. This infection may be serious enough to necessitate a root canal treatment. Specific signs to watch out for include a tooth hole, crack, or chip, serious tooth pain, gum swelling or tenderness, facial or neck swelling, an abscess on the gum area that surrounds the tooth, serious sensitivity, and tooth darkening. 

How Root Canal Treatment Addresses Tooth Pain

Root canal treatment is meant to get rid of the infection, thus eliminating tooth pain. This procedure involves removing the affected tooth’s infected pulp tissue and nerve. It is usually not a complicated procedure, but it involves several steps over some visits. These steps include the following:

  • Taking X-rays. X-rays may be taken if the dentist believes a patient needs a root canal treatment. Also, the dentist may review existing X-rays to determine where exactly the decay is located. 
  • Administering anesthesia. The dentist will administer local anesthesia to the affected tooth. This means that a root canal treatment is not painful. 
  • Doing pulpectomy. This procedure involves making an opening and removing the diseased tooth pulp. 
  • Putting a dental filling. The dentist will fill the opened roots with gutta-perch material and seal if off with cement.