Understanding the Mini Dental Implant Procedure

Mini dental implants are composed of 3 parts: the implant, a screw used to connect the implant with the bone and an abutment that connects to your existing teeth. Surgeons place these implants through a small incision in the gum utilizing special equipment that is designed especially for jaw surgeries.
The procedure is not as difficult as it might sound. It does require anesthesia but then you may go home after some time and rest. You can eat normally although it is recommended that you don’t consume any hard food for 2 days or so (especially nuts, popcorn, soda).
You will be given antibiotics during the first week, which helps minimize your chance of having an infection. It usually takes about 6 months before you can notice increased tooth stability. Some people may be worried that the mini dental implant procedure mount pleasant sc will leave a scar that is noticeable and unsightly. This simply isn’t true at all.
The mini dental implant surgery leaves only a small scar in the inner lip of your gum, which is usually hidden by your tongue and even when you smile. Once the procedure has taken place, it is as simple as changing out your porcelain crowns for new ones that are actually attached to the implants themselves and not just sitting on top of them.
In fact, sometimes your dentist can even use some type of cement to connect these porcelain crowns to the implants so they don’t have to worry about re-tightening them or replacing them as frequently. Mini dental implants are a great option because they help to eliminate the need for you to use your dentures in public where they can be seen or when you eat.
These porcelain crowns also reduce any stress and pressure that you may feel on your gums due to the fact that they are attached directly to your jawbone through these small metal screws. This means that if the bone attachment is strong then there should be no stress put on your teeth at all and you won’t have to worry about them being loose in their sockets either.
In addition, this will allow you to speak normally without any concerns of slurring words since the implant screws will be able to support your new porcelain crowns without any problem. Mini dental implants can fit into almost any lifestyle and doesn’t have to interfere with your professional or personal life at all, as long as you take care of the implant properly.
They are also incredibly durable because they’re not attached to bone through gums that can easily deteriorate over time due to aging or simply not taking care of them like you should. The only thing that wears out is the screw but it will take years before this happens and then a simple adjustment can be made so that the implant looks just like it did when you first got it installed in your mouth.
Benefits of Mini Dental Implants
The biggest benefit of mini dental implants is that it restores your smile without you having to feel embarrassed about your partial tooth loss. In fact, this procedure allows you to have a new breath of confidence now that you can speak and eat freely in public without the need for dentures or uncomfortable adhesives.
This surgical process does require an investment up front but it will be well worth it when you think of all the money you’ll save on dental treatment costs over time since these implants are extremely durable and will last much longer than any other form of dental procedures.
They also don’t require constant cleaning like other forms of dental restorations so they won’t wear down as quickly due to plaque build-up. That makes them even more cost-effective overall for many people.
Unfortunately, not everyone is a candidate for mini dental implant surgery. Make sure to have a consultation with your dentist prior to the procedure so that they can determine whether or not you’d be suitable for it.