Laparoscopy for infertility: Does it work? Procedure and risk


Laparoscopy is a type of surgical procedure in which the doctor gets a view of the inside body. This procedure is also done for fertility testing, where the doctor can check the reproductive organs such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. This article covers all nooks of laparoscopy and how it can help with reverse infertility. 

How does laparoscopy help infertility? 

The process of laparoscopy helps in multiple ways to understand the reason for infertility which blood tests fail to show. When blood test reports are fine and the woman is still unable to conceive, in such cases, laparoscopy is suggested to understand other reasons hindering conception. 

Some of the unexplained fertility reasons that can be diagnosed with laproscopy are:

  • Presence of fibroids
  • Any blockage in fallopian tubes
  • Scar tissue build up
  • Endometriosis
  • Any other abnormalities

The doctor gets to view the reproductive organ and identifies any problem that is preventing conception. 

What is the procedure for laparoscopy? 

  • Laparoscopy is an outpatient surgery, and it can take place in a hospital,  at any doctor’s clinic Or ambulatory surgical centre. 
  • In this surgical process the patient gets anesthesia, hence she cannot understand any pain while the procedure is performed. The surgeon will start with the following procedure. 
  • The doctor will first insert a needle and inject gas through the needle
  • The gas bloats the organ making it more visible to the doctor
  • Once the needle is inserted the doctor removes the needle and inserts a camera through a small incision. This camera is known as Laproscope. 
  • Once the camera is inserted the doctor makes another hole from where a tool known as probe is inserted. 
  • The probe tool is used to remove and lift the organs for a better view. While the camera will help to examine these organs closely. 

Depending upon the diagnosis and what the doctor sees, he may make a third incision to perform a few functions like:

  • Injecting dye to see if the sperms can easily flow through the fallopian tube to the eggs.
  • Make an attempt to open any blockage in the fallopian tube
  • Removing and scars or adhesions
  • If possible correcting and abnormalities that is found

Once these are done the doctor will remove the tools and stitch the incision. The patient will be under supervision for 24 hours to check if the wound is healing well.

If your doctor has suggested you undergo a Laparoscopy surgery, we recommend you also consult another doctor for a second opinion. This will help you to be double sure on your decision. You may try consulting with these best urologists in Kochi. They are some of the best urologists in India, experts in doing Laparoscopy surgery. Patients from all over India consult and get treated under them.

What are the after-effects of the surgery? 

The patient may feel mild pain in the abdomen and discomfort. Also the patient may experience pain in the shoulder as the gas that has been injected takes time to dissipate. To relieve the gas sooner, peppermint tea is helpful. You can walk around to elevate the discomfort caused due to the gas. 

While there are few rare symptoms that hardly any patients face. These are

  • Fever
  • Heavy Vaginal bleeding
  • Fainting
  • Severe pain
  • Infection in the incision parts
  • Unable to use bathroom

In such cases it is vital to immediately contact your doctor. 

How does laparoscopy help? 

Laparoscopy helps in increasing the chances of pregnancy, if she gets treated immediately. As compared to any other surgery laparoscopy is less invasive, involves low risk, small scars and quick and easy recovery. 

What are the risks that are involved? 

  • The risks involved are internal bleeding
  • Infection
  • Severe damage to any organ
  • Infection at the incisions

Laparoscopy was a standard diagnostic way to understand infertility in a woman. With the introduction of IVF (in vitro fertilization), doctors may suggest IVF. However, there are cases when doctors may recommend having a laparoscopy first. 

The difference between laparoscopy and IVF is that laparoscopy helps in clearing any obstacles to increase the chances of conceiving naturally. While IVF is a way where the mature eggs and sperms are fertilized outside and then transferred inside the womb of the woman. If you are having trouble conceiving and your blood tests reports are not normal, we recommend you take a consultation from the best urologist in Kochi. They will help you understand the problem in detail and they’ll suggest the best treatment for you

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