How Your Knee Works & Why It Gets Injured
Knee discomfort and injury are pretty typical amongst both athletes and ordinary people. Generally, your body is capable of healing moderate knee injuries. Nevertheless, all injuries should be inspected and examined at the beginning by a physiotherapist. If knee pain persists, physiotherapy can assist you recuperate from the injury with mobilisation methods, stretches, taping, massage therapy and strengthening exercises.
Before we discuss further about knee pain, we need to first comprehend exactly what the knee is.
The Structure of your Knee
Your knee is a synovial hinge joint connecting the upper leg bone (femur) and shin bones (tibia and fibula). It allows the flexion and extension of your lower leg about your upper leg. In nonprofessional terms, your knee allows the straightening out and bending of your leg, a crucial motion that is necessitated in everyday activities. Put simply, without your knees, you would certainly have problem walking, running, standing and even taking a seat.
One of the most noticeable part of your knee is the patella, otherwise more generally referred to as the kneecap. It sits in a groove connected to the femur and is cushioned by a thick layer of cartilage material. Cartilage additionally supports the knee and borders joint on either side. In addition, ligaments, which are strong bands of connective tissue, hold the bones in position.
The makeup of your ligaments and bones limit the range of movement of your knee to about 120 levels of flexion. Additionally, the knee is capable of a small degree of median and lateral turning when flexed.
Exactly How your Knee Features
Your knee works based on the tightening of muscular tissues that border it. When the muscles at the front of your thigh (quadriceps) contracts, your leg straighten out. On the other hand, when the muscular tissues on the back of the thigh (hamstrings) contract, your leg bends.
The hamstrings and quadriceps work in tandem to allow you to execute any motion that you need your knee to undertake. For the majority of us, it is an instinctive process that we spare little consideration for.
Common Risks Related To Knee Injuries
Knee injuries are much more widespread in specific circumstances. These consist of:
– Being overweight
– Having weak or rigid lower and upper leg muscles
– Playing high impact sporting activities
– Playing sporting activities that rely on knee cushioning impact
– Having previously injured your knees
If you find that these situations apply to you, then you need to absolutely take active care of your knees. Should you feel pain coming from your knees, you should visit a Singapore physio to get it checked out. A simple ache could be a symptom of a larger issue that is gradually developing. As such, early detection and prevention is key to ensuring the long-term health of your knee.