Cannabis and the Different Ways to Get It


Weeds have been causing trouble for man since he started growing crops. They threatened plants, thereby reducing crops, harming fields and ornamental and vegetable gardens. The best way to get to know the enemy is to get to know the most common species and how to fight.

Weeds have been causing trouble for man since he started growing crops. They threatened plants, thereby reducing crops, harming fields and ornamental and vegetable gardens. Get to know the most common and ways of fighting.

In here, less than two hundred plants are listed as weeds. Weeds are all plants that grow in the crop against the will of the grower. The weeds are purposefully deprived of water, soil, air, light and nutrients, often dominating the cultivated plant.

Get to know annual weeds

They are annoying farmers and garden owners who have been fighting with them forever. Weeds are frustrating. They multiply literally in front of their eyes. Their seeds retain germination for decades, and in addition certain species produce tens of thousands on a single plant. Other species in turn reproduce by roots and rhizomes, which rapidly grow to wide areas and are very difficult to remove.

On the other hand, it is necessary to say that some weeds are also effective remedies, sometimes even independently cultivated, such as nettle, chamomile, plantain, comfrey and others. Some weed plants provide bee grazing, such as dandelion or coltsfoot, while others are tasty forage for cattle, such as thistle, milk or wheatgrass.

Only consistency works. The most gentle is

Fighting weeds in the garden is challenging and never ends although we can severely limit their occurrence by consistency. The classic, though laborious way is to get rid of weeds mechanically. In both vegetable and ornamental gardens this is also the best way, because we do not infest the soil with chemistry.

Does the weed belong to compost?

It is not true that weeds for compost must not. You should just avoid seedling and rhizome weeds. In addition, when the compost is decomposed, a “hot phase” must occur, which will cause the weed seeds to lose their ability to germinate. Now that the online dispensary canada is available, you will now have to actually cultivate it, the options remain open.

This category includes not only weeding, but also chopping, burning, digging whole plants and their rhizomes, needling leaves. It is also important to hoe the culture and subsequent mulching (a layer of grass, bark or wood chips effectively prevents the growth of weeds). Covering with black nonwoven is also used, but it does not always look good aesthetically pleasing.

Choose a sunny day for your skin and use a hoe, because just plucking has almost no effect, the roots will remain in the ground and go again. Never water the flower beds immediately after weeding. Always try to pluck plants at an early stage, so that they do not manage to mature, bloom and sow. When engraving you also have to be consistent, some weeds reflect even from the slightest rhizome or protuberance left. It is worth using a pitchfork.