Alcohol abuse

Alcohol abuse and addiction is the second most common drug abuse in the United States just after tobacco. Alcohol drinking is considered a disorder when it causes either harm or distress. The harm and distress can either be to the patient themselves or the people around them. The number of men with an alcohol disorder in the United States accounts for 10% of all men and 5% of all women. Most people never realize that they are entering alcohol addiction until they do, making it difficult for them to leave. The difficulties experienced by these people lead to the need for a comprehensive alcohol addiction treatment program. However, people should avoid drinking if they are yet to start; some other groups are advised to avoid drinking even if they were drinking before. Such people include pregnant women or those trying to conceive. For any treatment to be conducted, the problem must first be recognized and identified. Some ways can be used to determine whether a person requires alcohol addiction treatment. Alcoholic people embrace denial and like acting like they don’t drink or like they have the situation under control, which is not the case. People who find themselves taking more alcohol than they had planned are also probably experiencing alcohol addiction. Alcohol addicts are more likely to lose control of their emotions and hence engaging in reckless behaviors. Inappropriate drinking is also an indication of alcoholism; these are situations where the victim consumes alcohol despite social, moral, or legal guidelines. Alcohol addiction has physical, mental, and social effects on the victim and the people around them. Alcoholism leads to blackouts and unconsciousness to the abuser. It may lead to coordination and movement imbalance. Alcoholism also leads to heart, liver, and kidney problems. Addiction leads to an emotional imbalance that creates social problems in society.
However, there is hope for the victims despite their conditions. The victims can undertake alcohol addiction treatment, which will help them overcome the addiction. Family members and the society can help the victim get the help they need even if they are reluctant to admit it. The medical team has to counsel the victim for them to embrace their actions and accept the consequences. All treatment methods assume that alcoholism is chronic and continuous. The treatment methods require that the patients abstain from the use of alcohol.