Advantages of Using an Invisalign that We All Should Know


People with crooked teeth or gaps always find it awkward to smile. Braces are one solution, but wearing them all the time is a little painful and might make you more conscious about your looks. One very good alternative to it is the Invisalign aligners. These have been gaining popularity nowadays, as they can give a natural look to your smile.

What is an Invisalign?

Invisalign is an aligner that is made of plastic material. It is transparent and can be removed whenever required. It is specifically used to realign teeth and to solve teeth problems.  You do not have to use those metallic braces or wires anymore. These clear aligners are attached to your teeth and move the teeth with the applied force to different parts of the teeth during other parts of the treatment.

If you want to apply clear aligners to your teeth, you can visit Bala Smiles Orthodontics. You can get customized treatments for your teeth problems with a board-certified orthodontist in Southwest Austin and that is Dr. Bala. Plus, they have created a warm, calm atmosphere that makes you feel positive and stress-free.

What are the benefits of using an Invisalign?

To understand the importance of Invisalign, here are some of its benefits that we all need to know:

  1. Comfortable

Invisalign is very convenient and comfortable to use. It doesn’t cause discomfort like the usual bulky wires and braces. It slowly shifts the teeth into proper positions.

  1. Looks Better

Unlike the metal braces, Invisalign cannot be seen with the naked eye until someone specifically looks into your mouth. These are invisible aligners that do their job slowly and without causing any discomfort. Thus, making you look better even when you take pictures.

  1. Avoid tooth decay

Tooth decay happens when there are gaps between the tooth, that allows food particles to settle in. With Invisalign, it is possible to remove these gaps, thus preventing tooth decay.

  1. Solve gum problems

Many with tooth gaps face gum diseases like red or swollen gums, bleeding of gums etc. If it is not treated well, it can also result into periodontal diseases. Thus, it is important to close the gaps and the Invisalign can help you in such situations.

  1. Avoid Jaw problems

If you got uneven teeth, there are chances of having jaw misalignment. This can also lead to temporomandibular joint disorders. You might also experience pain, headaches, dizziness and even ear problems. This can be avoided if you get the Invisalign attached to your tooth. It will straighten up your tooth without any discomfort.

  1. Speak and sleep properly

If you have crooked or misaligned teeth, it will also impact your speech. It can also lead to teeth grinding when you sleep, leading to sleep problems. In such cases, Invisalign can help you straighten your teeth.

  1. Easily removable

It is unlike those fixed braces that cannot be removed. These aligners can be removed very easily as and when you desire.

To conclude, Invisalign aligners are the best options as they are easy to use and comfortable to wear. It does not affect your looks and that is why keeps your confidence level high.