2,500 Calories A Day, Keep The Doctor Away


A calorie is the standard unit to measure the energy value of food. When the intake of calories is high in sugar or fat, the unused energy is stored in the form of fat in your body, which causes many medical complications. 2,500 calories is needed for an adult man to sustain a healthy weight, and 2,000 calories is required for an active woman, per day. The number of calories recommended may seem on the higher side. But some typical food like a hamburger, fries, and milkshake can be near 1,500 calories. 

Watch your diet

Modern lifestyle restricts physical movement, keeps your fasten on the chair in front of the screen for hours. The calories you consume are not thoroughly exhausted, and a significant portion is stored in the form of fat. You do not gain a few kilos or pounds overnight; obesity happens over time. Obesity lurks on you, as you are not conscious about the lifestyle you lead, the foods you consume. Eating takeaway fast processed food with high sugar and fat content cause overweight. Liquid calories in alcohol and heavy drinkers are mostly overweight. Eating starter or dessert in a restaurant adds a few inches to your waistline. Sometimes depression and anxiety lead to overeating. Children quickly adopt the eating habits of parents, and they continue it for years.

Physical activity requires 90% of calories.

Lack of exercise and other physical activity slows down your metabolism and stores the energy in the form of fat. Metabolism is an intricate biochemical process, where the calories in the food and beverages are break down into life through oxidization. Even when you are sleeping, energy is needed to maintain functions like breathing, blood pressure, and maintain hormone levels. People with the muscular body burns more energy, as muscles require more energy than fat. The metabolism decreases with age, as you lose muscle mass and strength. 10% of the calories derived from protein and carbohydrate are used to digest and absorb nutrients from food. The rest of the energy is used for physical actives, making it imperative to maintain healthy body weight.

Brisk walking, jogging, swimming, playing golf, or tennis burns a lot of calories. The Department of Health and Social Care recommends two and a half hours of intense to moderate aerobic activities per week. You need not do it at a stretch; allot thirty minutes daily for the exercise regime for five days a week. If you are obese, you need some vigorous workouts, but start with baby steps and then to strides. Genes can cause obesity, such as Prader- Willi-Syndrome.

Various medicines like Cetilistat powder are available in the market to treat obesityIt is a pancreatic lipase inhibitor, which breaks triglycerides in the intestine. This inhibitor prevents triglycerides in food from metabolized, converting into free fatty acids that are readily absorbed by the body. The unmetabolized fat is passed out through bowel movements. This drug’s mechanism is different from other anti-obesity medicines, instead of suppressing appetite; it works on the gastrointestinal level to prevent fat absorption from food.